The Letter
October 31, 2014
More Than One WayA long time ago, back before streaming was commonplace and when I still thought that lecturing the radio industry that it was imperative to move spoken word programming onto the FM dial might actually move someone to do just that, I included a warning: Just slapping the ...
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October 17, 2014
Barbie And YouA stark reminder of exactly how much things are changing came this week with the news that shook the world to its core: Barbie sales are down. Okay, you're wondering what Barbie has to do with talk radio. It's this: By the time Mattel realized Barbie was in trouble, ...
October 10, 2014
Time's UpA long time ago, I learned a valuable lesson that went something like this: You tell the bosses that your proposed business plan will take about a year and a half to really kick in, that they need to show patience and understand that the revenue won't immediately show up, ...
October 3, 2014
Want It, Need It, Gotta Have It... Or Not, WhateverIn the end, I wound up ordering the iPhone 6 Plus after all. I needed a new phone, I weighed the advantages and disadvantages of the new models, I looked at Android phones, I compared plans and carriers, I went to the store and held the various handsets and played with ...
September 26, 2014
New ToyWhen I was a kid, my favorite toys were Legos and Erector sets. At the time, I didn't think about why I liked them better. I just did. In retrospect, though, I'm pretty sure I know what attracted me to piles of plastic blocks and metal pieces and fasteners. No ...
September 19, 2014
Playing Fantasy Radio Business League, or Dividing To ConquerGet over it. Really, you should get over it now. By "you," I mean you, and by "it," I mean radio, not the industry or the medium but the word. This comes to mind because of the reaction to Clear Channel changing its name to iHeartMedia and iHeartCommunications and ...
September 12, 2014
Contrary To Unpopular BeliefIt is never fun to be told that you have a problem, even if it's true. ESPECIALLY if it's true. That brings me to a particularly disheartening moment at this year's Radio Show in Indianapolis. I think it points to a problem this industry has that needs to be addressed, ...
September 5, 2014
So You Don't Have ToNext week's another convention week, this time the NAB and RAB's Radio Show in Indianapolis (motto: "What? No, I've Never Been There, Either"). It's been a few months since I last had to hit the road for a convention, so I'm a little behind on preparation. Oh, who am I ...
August 22, 2014
Craving Something DifferentWhen I picked the Sunday Los Angeles Times off the driveway last Sunday, an advertising circular fell out of the plastic wrap, fluttering back to the ground, calling attention to itself. It was for the fourth annual Los Angeles Food and Wine Festival, and as I retrieved ...
August 15, 2014
Basic InstinctThere was something mentioned in passing on Larry Gifford's fine Radio Stuff podcast this week that struck me as interesting. Larry mentioned a show that told him that they didn't want to touch the Robin Williams story because they're a sports show and it wasn't what ...