The Letter
September 30, 2016
The Election Bump And Other DistractionsAre you happy with what you're achieving? No, this isn't a self-help column. It's more of another wake-up call, but... okay, let me see if I can make this simple. It's an election year, and we're in the middle of the most bizarre, remarkably out-of-control campaign ...
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September 23, 2016
Old School GraduationIt was late, just about the end of FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn's talk at the Radio Show 2016 in Nashville on Thursday afternoon, and I was, I'll admit, falling asleep. Blame my daily mid-afternoon crash, blame allergies, blame a long week or lack of sleep or just ...
September 16, 2016
Expecting The ExpectedOne of the life skills most people develop early on in their existence is how to manage expectations. We learn, usually the hard way, that our hopes that our favorite teams will make it to the Super Bowl or World Series will be dashed early in the season, that the ...
September 2, 2016
What’s Next?Is there anything you want to read less than a column about radio the afternoon before a long holiday weekend (in the U.S. and Canada, that is)? Okay, then, I'll keep it short. The great 1972 movie "The Candidate" ends with an iconic scene, when Robert Redford, as the ...
August 26, 2016
Real DramaOne of the things I have to remind myself when writing this column is that, whatever I want to believe about the state of the radio industry, I still live in the real world. That manifests itself when I hear something I don't like and start to pontificate about what ...
August 19, 2016
The 140-Character SprintI will freely admit that I do not have all the answers to every radio industry dilemma. This week, all I can do is observe, and the answer is escaping me. I'm talking about talk radio's reaction to fast-moving events, the kind that seemingly change by the minute. Take ...
August 12, 2016
Rip It UpMaybe to build a new talk radio, we can learn by tearing down what we have now. Let me explain that by "tear it down," I may not mean what you think that means. This isn't a call to anarchy or an advance on the talk radio palace with torches and pitchforks. It's ...
August 5, 2016
Remote PossibilitiesThe other day, I saw a Facebook conversation about how radio personalities should dress for remotes. The discussion involved whether you should show up dressed uncool (dad jeans, polo shirt) or not, and there was debate over.... ...Oh, it doesn't matter what the debate ...
July 29, 2016
Buzzing. Bingeing. Broadcasting."Have you seen 'Stranger Things' yet?" Um, no, I haven't had a chance to... "Ohmygawd you have to it's so cool really I watched all eight you gotta see it like right now." And thus we have the latest in a series of shows you have to watch. We've been through several, ...
July 22, 2016
Well, Actually, You Don’t HAVE To Catch ‘Em AllHow much time do you have for your amusement? I have very little free time, what with work and family and the need for sleep. Something has to give, and anything that doesn't earn me money or involve time with my wife is going to take a back seat. (You'll notice that ...