The Letter
February 7, 2020
Top Of MindOnce upon a time, radio hosts were given sage advice about the topics they chose. Talk about what's important to the listeners, they were told. Make it eye level -- imagine what your listeners experience in their everyday lives and talk about those things, the things that ...
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January 31, 2020
A Path Forward, MaybeGotta say one thing for talk radio. At least we have an idea where it's going. We can't say that for sure about music radio, at least the part involving people talking into microphones between the songs and commercials. I was thinking about this when the news broke here ...
January 24, 2020
Picking Your SpotWhat are you gonna talk about now? In an age when it seems that every topic and genre of talk radio or podcasting has been done to death, it's daunting to be plotting out your future and wondering if there's anything you can do that would stand out. The same-old won't ...
January 17, 2020
It’s Not Personal, Sonny. It’s Strictly BusinessWell, we can't say we didn't see it coming. What happened this week was just another step in the progression that started many years ago. Dayparts began to be automated. Voice tracking replaced live and/or local hosts. Newsrooms shuttered. Those, you noticed. And when ...
January 10, 2020
Speak For YourselfCES is over, and after spending the week in Vegas looking at gadgets and sitting through endless panels and presentations, my Big Takeaway -- it's the law that every reporter and pundit at CES has to have a Big Takeaway -- is that a) nothing new happened, b) artificial ...
January 3, 2020
Putting The ‘New’ In New YearSome things never change. All Access is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020, and I've been here for most of that. In that time, one of my recurring themes has been the radio industry's seeming inability to develop talent on a level that would attract truly creative ...
December 6, 2019
2 Kool 2 Be 4-gottenWhat do people really think of radio? More to the point, do they think about radio at all? There was a story on local TV news here in L.A. the other day about local residents protesting the electric companies' decision to turn off power in fire prone areas every time the ...
November 22, 2019
Say WhyGive them a reason. Last weekend, I was on a panel at a college radio and podcasting conference at Cal State Long Beach, the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System's west coast gathering, and I talked and I observed and I saw a good number of people of varying backgrounds ...
November 15, 2019
Upstairs DownstairsThings look different from the top floor. The disparity between management and rank-and-file in the perception of a business isn't breaking news, but it's real and it's what I observed covering the latest industry conference this week. At the Digital Hollywood podcasting ...
November 8, 2019
Towards An Improved WidgetWhat happens if your media company is run by people who don't really understand or even care about the ultimate product? Oh, we can tell stories about that, can't we, radio folks? That's what came to mind for me when following the recent implosion of Deadspin, in which ...